If you have chronic migraines, acute neurological changes, Alzheimer’s disease, or other conditions that affect your nervous system (brain, spinal cord, and nerves), turn to Physicians Creek Medical Center in North Miami Beach, Florida. Exceptional internal medicine physician Adam Au, DO, MD, PhD, FACOI, and the team provide comprehensive neurology services for patients 12 and older. Schedule an in-person or telemedicine evaluation by phone or request one online today.
Neurology consists of medical diagnostics and treatments for conditions affecting your brain, spinal cord, and nerves. The central nervous system consists of your spinal cord and brain, while your peripheral nervous system includes autonomic and peripheral nerves.
The skilled Physicians Creek Medical Center experts provide dedicated care for an array of bothersome or debilitating conditions you may face.
Neurology services at Physicians Creek Medical Center can address the following conditions:
Common risk factors for developing these disorders include a family history of neurology issues, diabetes, injuries, and unhealthy lifestyle habits.
The signs and symptoms of neurological conditions may include one or more of the following:
See a Physicians Creek Medical Center specialist at the first sign of new or unusual neurological symptoms.
Physicians Creek Medical Center provides numerous neurology services. For example, the providers dose and titrate seizure medications, ensuring they meet a patient’s exact needs. They also consult with primary neurologists and home health care professionals to properly manage a condition and provide exceptional results.
Neurology services you may utilize include the following:
The practice carries out mild cognitive dysfunction evaluations using a cognitive profile and tests for heavy metals.
NCV tests determine the speed at which your nerves transmit electrical signals. Your provider tests nerve speed by placing electrodes on your head or other areas.
Electromyography tests use a thin needle to test the amount of electrical activity in a muscle.
MRIs and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) use painless radio waves and magnetic fields to create images for diagnostic purposes.
Assessments at Physicians Creek Medical Center evaluate reaction time, memory, brain function, and more.
Treatments for neurological conditions include medications, medical marijuana, deep brain stimulation, spinal cord stimulation, rehabilitation, and surgery. If you need surgery, your provider refers you to a neurosurgeon.
Schedule an in-person or telemedicine neurology evaluation at Physicians Creek Medical Center by phone or request one online today.